Celebrating the success of women researchers: Dr. Sandra Sumalla’s role in our project


Women, historically, have been underrepresented and forgotten over the course of scientific research and discovery. However, with time those stereotypes and misconceptions have slowly been crumbling. According to UNESCO, only 35% of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) graduates are women, a figure that has remained unchanged in ten years. This causes an inequality that both limits women to key sectors for innovation and hinders scientific progress. 

Dr. Sandra Sumalla, dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, who, with more than a decade of experience in UNEATLANTICO, has been a key reference for the students of the food degrees offered by UNEATLANTICO, is also one of the researchers who has successfully contributed to the implementation of the Erasmus+ project “Digital Lab for Education in Dietetics combining Experiential Learning and Community Service” (E+DIETing_LAB). 

“I have collaborated with the project’s PI, Dr. Iñaki Elío, in developing the bots and piloting them with students to improve their performance in R1,” said Dr. Sumalla as she explained her role within the Erasmus Plus project. “In addition, in R2 I have collaborated in tutoring students who used the Service-Learning Tool, a virtual clinic platform, with real patients who had difficulties in obtaining advice on their diet.” Dr. Sumalla refers here to two of the platforms developed during the project, a virtual patient and a virtual clinic

“I am passionate about this project because the results will allow for improved training of future dieticians-nutritionists by preparing them in advance for their interaction with patients by being able to do so in advance with the bots,” explained Dr. Sumalla while discussing her involvement in the project. “In addition, through the virtual clinic it allows for dietary advice to be given to people who for various reasons cannot attend a consultation with a dietician-nutritionist.” 

Furthermore, during an interview, Dr. Sumalla had expressed how women are pressured to maintain an appearance which influenced their way of eating to achieve the illusive ‘perfect body’ which in turn caused further pressure in both eating and exercising habits.

Moreover, Dr. Sumalla highlighted how the lack of information about nutrition and food in social media can be harmful, as there is no ‘miracle result’ contrary to what was showcased on the internet. Hence, Dr. Sumalla’s involvement in the E+DIETing_LAB project becomes clear as she aims to help improve students’ understanding of this basic pillar of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Digital Lab for Education in Dietetics combining Experiential Learning and Community Service
Fechas: 28/02/22- 27/02/25
ANNOUNCEMENT: eRASMUS + KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education (ROUND 1)

This project has received funding from Erasmus + call 2021 Round 1 KA2-  KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education

National Agency of the applicant organisation: ES01 Servicio español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE)

With the financial support of:
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