UNEATLANTICO organizes a multiplier event to promote the first results of E+DIETing_LAB project


The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) will organize, next February 29 at 5:00 p.m. (GMT+1), the multiplier event: “Virtual patient in university classrooms: new forms of experiential learning,” linked to the Erasmus Plus E+DIETing_LAB (2022-2025) project.

The session will explain to the audience the first results generated during the course of the project.

The first result is a virtual patient: a platform that will integrate five different bots in five languages. The bot teaches the nutrition and dietetics student to perform a clinical screening process in an online/interactive manner. These bots provide the following cases: Gastroenterology, Diabetes mellitus type 1, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, obesity, and renal diseases. Each bot will have a questionnaire related to the field of nutrition and a final survey to know the user’s experience. The virtual platform is in the testing phase. Interested persons can access from the following link.

The second output, which is currently being worked on, consists of a virtual clinic in which students will be able to interact with the patient under supervision.

The event will also include several presentations on the process of nutritional care in the training of future dietitians-nutritionists and on the use of Artificial Intelligence applied to education.

The conference is free and open to all those interested in the subject. Streaming schedules can be consulted at this link.

To participate, registration is required:

Registration to the event: “Virtual patient in university classrooms: New forms of experiential learning”

Registration closes 24 hours prior to the webinar.

The E+DIETing_LAB project, which began in 2022, is funded by the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE, the Spanish Agency for the European Program Erasmus +). It aims to improve practical training in dietetic education and foster a community/service-learning approach related to nutrition and healthy habits as a social responsibility of the university.

Led by UNEATLANTICO, the following European institutions are also participating in the E+DIETing_LAB project : the Valladolid University (Universidad de Valladolid, UVA) in Spain, St. Pölten University in Austria, the Universidade do Porto in Portugal, AP Hogeschool Antwerpen in Belgium, and Jan Kochanowski University (UJK) in Poland.

Those interested in obtaining more information about this project may visit its website or social networks.

Digital Lab for Education in Dietetics combining Experiential Learning and Community Service
Fechas: 28/02/22- 27/02/25
ANNOUNCEMENT: eRASMUS + KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education (ROUND 1)

This project has received funding from Erasmus + call 2021 Round 1 KA2-  KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education

National Agency of the applicant organisation: ES01 Servicio español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE)

With the financial support of:
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